Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bingocard with Shimmerz

Hi there!
Mahlin here again with a new video... 
But first of all... Don´t forget to check out these darlings and the info in the yesterdays blogpost... 
I´ve used Hottie pink and Sparkaliscious in my video today. 

I like to have cards for different occasions readymade at home and my video today shows you how I decorated a bingocard into a cute card with Shimmerz. Ready to give away on a birthday or just to say thank you.  Since I don´t know who I will give it to there is still some decorating to complete, and a text to go with it. 

and here is the video
(unfortunately, all my text and info on which color I am using inside the video got lost somewhere  due to some error in the making.. but  the inspiration board is very helpful aswell)

Thanks for looking and have a great day! 

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3 comments: said...

Mahlin - beautiful - I love it - question - what makes the shimmerz powders stick to the paper - are you just using the paint? Also, was that just gesso you put on the card at the start??

naop said...

i enjoyed the every minute of this VIdeo. It is very inspirational. Thank you for sharing, Mahlin.
Yes, I wondered the same thing as cathy did. I would love to know.

Stac said...

What an awesome video! Thanks Mahlin!!!